essential tools for your distance learning course


8 essential tools for your distance course to succeed

If you have already decided to create your online course, let's move a little bit forward and talk about the tools you need so that you can make the best of your distance learning business!


08/25/2016 | By

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So, you have decided to launch a distance learning course and you are researching everything about it so you can have a launch that generates your first sales, right? If this is where you are right now, let’s move a little bit forward and talk about the tools you will need to use throughout your business adventure so that you keep it sustainable. Because even a digital product should carry a professional tone to meet the needs of the students in the best way possible, and you should start thinking about this right from the start.

Our tips are especially for the steps taken after the production of an online course. If you are still in the phase of finding out how to create a course, read our post on 8 types of digital products you can create and also how to make money with a digital product.

Members area for distance learning courses

A tool that allows you to manage the modules in your course may turn out to be a great advantage in your sales strategy. You can use this resource to offer free modules, for instance, and unlock the following lessons after the payment is made. It’s up to you! This control allows you to manage your course the way that best fits your strategies!

Managing modules

Uma ferramenta que lhe permita gerenciar os módulos do seu curso, pode contribuir muito para sua estratégia de vendas. Você pode utilizar o recurso para acesso de módulos gratuitos, por exemplo, e liberar as próximas aulas mediante pagamento. Fica a seu critério! Esse controle lhe possibilita administrar seu curso da maneira que for mais adequada para suas estratégias!

Payment system

To achieve autonomy in your business, you should rely on a payment system that is safe and fast to make your transactions simple. The checkout in your sales page also has a direct influence on your sales conversion rate, so make sure your payment tool offers a customized checkout. Another aspect that not many people think of when launching a digital product is the possibility of reaching people from all over the world! To do so, consider hiring a system that allows you to make international transactions, providing currency translation for every country.

Customer support

Selling digital products is an extremely scalable business and, at some point in your business, you will need support to clear possible doubts from your customers. Ideally, you should rely on a platform that offers this kind of service whenever necessary.

Producer support

There are many professionals who decide to launch a distance learning course but aren’t familiarized with the digital world yet. You, as the producer, may also have doubts or need some quick support about the platform or the transactions that have been generated. That’s why it’s important to check if the company provides appropriate support to digital producers!

Automatic delivery

Many buyers wish to start studying immediately after they have purchased the course. And, let’s be honest: nothing can be fairer than providing an immediate delivery of a digital product. The automatic delivery of access to the course will save you time and prevent anxious customers from feeling frustrated.

Monitoring tools

Through monitoring tools you can analyze the behavior of your students in the course: if they watch all the lessons, if they can complete the course successfully and many other factors of extreme importance to your business. And taking this behavior into consideration, you can contact your clients and ask for feedback so you can improve your course.

Affiliate program for distance learning courses

An affiliate program allows the producer to have other people promoting their course in exchange for a commission – which is set by the owner of the product – for every sale made. Having an affiliate program associated to your product will help you scale your sales even more, especially if you aren’t a specialist in digital marketing strategies. Generally, affiliates are people who master a certain niche and associate this knowledge to the promotion of related products. To learn more about affiliate programs, click here.

When you are researching about the best platforms to host your distance learning course, make a checklist with all the features mentioned above. Once you acquire all the necessary resources, it is possible to come up with essential strategies to make your business stand out.

If you liked our tips and you have started the process to launch your digital product, read about how the sales process for a distance learning course and learn how to plan it perfectly!