the fastest growing jobs – symbols representing the fastest growing jobs covered in this post.


The fastest-growing jobs: 9 markets with great partnership opportunities

Find out what they are and how to take advantage of them to boost your sales strategies!


07/25/2019 | By

What will we see in this post

Professionals who want to develop their careers need to invest in knowledge, whereas those who have chosen one of the fastest-growing jobs on the market, need to take their strategy to the next level.

If your training and specialization are in the spotlight, the competition will certainly increase, as well as the requirements for producing innovative and efficient results, right?

Well, you have a hodgepodge of needs, pains, interests and of course, opportunities to offer a few digital products.

In this post, we’ve listed some of the fastest-growing jobs that are beginning to find themselves in this hodgepodge. Learn a little more about them and find out how to create strategies and digital product partnerships for your audience.

Why is it important to know which jobs are currently on the rise?

It is quite likely that you’ve already come across news articles describing professions that no longer exist or those that will exist in the future, haven’t you?

They aren’t merely curious facts about what industrial production lines were like or that skills such as typewriting were essential: they also show the effects of modernization in the job market.

In other words, they indicate how the market adapts to innovation.

Predicting what the jobs of the future will be like follows this same line of reasoning. Growing needs and demands are evaluated; the skills and knowledge required from professionals in order to solve them are pointed out and voila! We have a new career.

Thus, if professions follow the modernization that the market is undergoing and point to where development will continue, from a strategic point of view, knowing this allows you to take advantage of this demand with the offer of courses, specializations, and correct knowledge.

What are the 3 Cs of the jobs of the future?

There’s no such thing as absolute truth, but even with all this evolution, certain areas and knowledge remain as the key elements of professions and areas of activity. They are:

  • Coaching: Not necessarily the coach as a single profession, but all professionals who work helping people overcoming their personal, career, health and family challenges, among others;
  • Care: Health care has received many innovations, with examinations and surgical equipment that can be performed from afar, but still, the presence of a trained professional to manage this apparatus and of course, orient patients preventively or while they heal is decisive for the success of the treatment;
  • Connection: Another essential element, since technological advances are beneficial and irreversible. Professions and solutions that bring harmony between people and machines.

What are the 9 fastest-growing jobs on the market to form partnerships?

Well, where are our society’s needs and demands pointed to?

Let’s take a look at the main professions that are emerging or strengthening in order to know more.

1. Marketing expert

Marketing experts need to know the tools available to manage campaigns, develop strategies, identify the target audience, etc.

The point is that, with digital solutions, social media, chatbots, artificial intelligence and automation increasingly present, specialization in marketing areas is a trend.

Thus, some of its professionals can choose to search for content with a specific focus, such as Social Media or Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

2. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) expert

One of the professional Cs that we indicated in the previous topic mentioned the connection between human beings and technologies, right?

Well, experts in UI and UX are one of the professions that stand out in this sense. This is because, as can be concluded, they are responsible for intuitively translating for users what the programming codes want to command.

For them, it is essential to understand users’ reasoning and the points of the experience that are important and bring them satisfaction, such as agility in signing up and shopping on an e-commerce website.

Thus, digital products that focus on the design of products and systems, for example, are great items being offered to professions who wish to specialize in this area.

3. Purchasing Analyst

For organizations, the professional responsible for purchases can ensure important savings for the business, both because to more strategic negotiations with suppliers, as well as because they understand the logistics chain of certain products, which can be quite complex.

Exporting products with various characteristics need to follow the laws and sanitary rules from different countries, payment fees, choose the mode of transportation, etc.

There are several elements that can increase, a lot, the costs involved in the purchase. Therefore, such professionals are increasingly strengthened on the job market, and the competition to hire the best is also high, given the complexity of the processes that they manage and their impact on companies’ finances.

Therefore, such professionals must seek knowledge in the supply chain, procurement or logistics areas, in addition to content about foreign trade, for example.

4. Developers

Developers use different tools to create and develop systems and software, and this plurality on its own, already characterizes a high demand for the search of knowledge and updating, right?

But there’s more. It so happens that many companies opt to hire independent or freelance developers for specific activities, i.e., they really need to have the best set of knowledge, experience and contacts in order to get more jobs.

And there are many areas in which they can work:

  • Systems for wearables, which are technologies that can be “worn”;
  • Mobile;
  • Applications;
  • Big Data;
  • Systems and software;
  • Teaching platforms;
  • Games;
  • Internet of Things (IoT);
  • Chatbots;

It’s important to remember that the market in which freelancers work, also called Gig Economy, is broad and democratic and values the professionals’ knowledge and not their educational background.

Thus, it will often be possible to get a job without having any prior experience.

5. Environmental and recycling engineer

Sustainability is on the mind of all rulers, of society and companies, and this isn’t a coincidence.

The market related to carbon credits is discussed in the main global panels and events linked to the environment. Also not a coincidence.

We know that our natural resources are limited and that they need to be well managed, because in addition to the environmental impacts, the decrease or increase of the offer of any of these elements directly affects the global economy. In other words, recycling paper isn’t quite enough.

An environmental engineer specialized in recycling brings this macroeconomic reality into the companies and communities, offering solutions that reduce damages to the environment, provide savings for businesses and strengthen their image with their target audience.

Certainly, one of the most strategic professions in recent times, and content on economics and sustainability will surely attract this audience.

6. Tax attorney

Law and regulations may be complex in various countries. Some of them go through constant changes, such as how taxes are collected, the modernization of companies’ tax collection systems, among other processes, attorneys specialized in tax law will be in high demand in the market, both to provide services for individuals as well as corporations.

Digital content that keeps attorneys up to date about such tax and accounting rules are excellent options in the Affiliate strategy.

7. Chinese teacher

Based on population math, and also because of China’s economic representativeness, teaching the mother tongue of China is a great career path.

China is a major commercial partner of Brazil, and this brings companies and investors from both countries closer to formalizing deals without intermediaries.

In order to cater for Mandarin teachers, including courses on pedagogy, didactics, game theory applied to teaching and even e-books and classes on the language and local customs in the curatorship of digital products is a great strategy.

8. Alternative currency speculator

Bitcoins have revolutionized the financial market, and those who said that the phenomenon would quickly disappear saw the emergence of other cryptocurrencies and their valuation.

An entire organism and network have been created around cryptocurrencies, new companies have emerged, as well as professionals linked directly to the processes and transmission of values among their investors.

Companies and professions have also emerged, who are responsible for their trade and to orient those interested, which is the framework where the currency’s speculators come in.

In order to attract this audience, content on economics, technology, market trends, and even cryptography may be interesting; after all, despite being investment products, cryptocurrencies have a completely different behavior than the others.

9. Mental health professional

These professionals represent the three Cs well: connection, care, and coaching, after all, they will deal with the pains and needs of those who appear from their involvement with the technologies they carry with them.

They are proof that the professions will relate to each other, and that creating digital product offers that encompass two areas is perfectly possible. For example, a psychiatrist can benefit from content about digital marketing, economics, and negotiation, right?

How can these fast-growing jobs influence your Affiliate strategy?

It’s clear that following trends and knowing what the fastest-growing jobs are, allows digital entrepreneurs to create strategies in their own economy that target an audience that needs to invest in knowledge. In other words, this means developing an audience with greater conversion potential.

In addition, knowing a bit more about the market reality of each one allows the choice of digital products, or even the development of one, to be made with better footing and efficiency.

Creating offers that blend two of them can also be good. Every professional needs to know how to do their personal marketing, and those who work in the creative area need to specialize in the tools required by their activities.

Have you ever considered creating a package that includes all content in one product?

By following these trends, you can recognize the opportunities and challenges of those who invested in these jobs and use this for their curatorship or the ideal promotion of digital products and successful partnerships.

And best of all: You don’t need to stand still while these partnerships and strategies that blend areas and training don’t happen.

Have you checked out the digital products and business opportunities that are already available for this audience?

Well, select the best digital products, set up your affiliate strategies and get ready for your first sale!