Hype online courses


How can you use the hype to sell online courses?

Do you know how to build hype and take advantage of it to sell online courses? Learn about this strategy that aims to get people excited about a product and feel attracted to it.

Barbara Santos

06/16/2017 | By

What will we see in this post

Creating a high-quality online course is of extreme importance to be successful in the digital market. However, besides having quality content, you need to make it so that people want to buy your product.

To do this, you need to catch your potential clients attention in the right way and get them to know your brand. Therefore, you need to develop effective marketing strategies.

There are several ways to boost your online course and you need to choose the best one for each moment.

Hype is one of the ways of getting known in the digital market!

If well-executed, this strategy can get people very excited about your product. This means that by building a hype you can get the attention you need for your online course in a short period of time.  

But do you know how to build a hype and how it can help you boost your sales?

Read this post until the end and learn how you can take advantage of another marketing strategy on your business!

What is a hype?

In its etymology, the term “hype” derives from “hyperbole”, which means excess, exaggeration.

If you still haven’t heard about it, you must be wondering: and what does excess has to do with my marketing strategies? After all, almost nothing done and exposed in excess catches the right eye.

And here, the digital market proves it is different!

Of course, tons of unnecessary information is definitely inadequate. However, when we talk about hype, we don’t mean any kind of content in excess.

When we think about marketing, the hype is a strategy whose basis is to emphasize an idea, product or service. This means that you’ll deliver a lot of information, but they will have a purpose and won’t be abusive.  

In general, we can define hype as something that lots of people are commenting about. It’s what’s most interesting at some point, which means that it is the center of everything.

In the digital world, the hype is a topic that has gone viral and “is on everyone’s lips”. It has everything to do with current events and it normally influences people.

And why is this strategy able to help you sell online courses?

Because it’s built on expectation, hope, and speculation. Thus, it gets people intrigued and they want to know more about your product. Especially if someone who is influential in social media talks about it.

Check out examples that can help you understand better what a hype is:

Using hype

Do you know when a company starts creating a new product and, before they even talk about what they’re doing, rumors about the new launch have already spread out?

That’s hype!

Even before having a product ready to market, it’s possible to create an image of it.

You create great expectations about the product that will work as a pre-assessment of it. Even though people still haven’t seen the final project, they can already have an idea of what will be marketed.

You can even give demonstrations and make prototypes so that expectations are even higher. This way, you can use examples to show what people should expect from your product.

Therefore, building a hype is a very creative way (and most times, impressive, too) to promote a product.

Can you see how this can put a lot of people in favor of your online course?

That’s why you need to build a hype around your business!

Why should you use a hype?

Now that you are able to understand what a hype is, you need to know why you should use this marketing strategy to sell your online course.

By building a hype you can show people what they should expect of your product before they even buy it.

Getting people talking about what you have to offer creates a demand for your product. Therefore, possible buyers start thinking they really need that.

This means that by building a hype you can spike people’s interest in your product.

Giving social media users something to talk about and to connect with, leads to discussions. Besides, you are also giving them an opportunity to share something new and even come up with ideas.

You show that you have a digital presence and also provide novelties to the digital world!

How to get ahead of your competition

Building a hype can get other people motivated to invest time and money in your product.

That’s why this is a great way to get ahead of your competitors. Especially when you’re launching a new course in the digital market.

This helps your ad campaigns when actually launching your product. After all, people will have already speculated what your launch is about and expectations have been raised.

But to be able to build an efficient hype, you need to be attentive to some points that will make all the difference:

Keep the balance

When building a hype there should be a balance between curiosity and patience.

Don’t hand out information about your online course too soon, before you have a complete idea of how it will be like. This can make people forget about your product in case you build a hype long before the launch of your product.

Making people impatient because your online course isn’t ready isn’t a good strategy.

However, the opposite isn’t a good idea either. Building a hype at the last instant may not get the word out so that your course is the trending topic at the moment.

Share limited and scattered information in the beginning. Little by little, you’ll notice they will grow in quantity and will spread. As the launch date gets closer, you’ll notice the information spreading faster.

Be vague but not empty

Being vague is good. After all, it spikes human curiosity. The problem arises when you build a hype without having enough content.

It’s not interesting to show everything that will be on your online course. However, not talking about anything doesn’t generate enough interest in your product that gets people talking and wanting to know more about it.

So, keep in mind the information you need to share to create a purchase desire in your consumers. Play with people’s curiosity.

Avoid exaggerating beyond the necessary

Building a hype in itself is an exaggeration. But this needs to be well done. So, avoid exaggerating beyond what’s necessary.

You don’t need to create false hopes about your online course.

Many times, the hype may be an illusion, which will not help your marketing strategies. Unlike what we think, it can even harm your product.

Selling your online course because of a wrongful image created by the hype isn’t interesting. Your final project needs to present exactly what you have promised and, if possible, even exceed expectations.

Take advantage of the moment

Take advantage of the right moment to build the hype. This will be good both for you and your consumers. So, know when it is the ideal moment to start raising expectations about your online course.

However, remember that every hype come with an expiration date and, eventually, it will not be that big a deal anymore. So, pay attention not to let the right moment go by.

Be creative

Be different and don’t do the same other people are already doing.

You need to show that your online course is different. So, use your creativity and think of different ways to build an eye-catching hype.

Offer something special and unique!

Get people to want to know more about your product and comment about it. Be the trending topic.

Make good use of social media

Always keep an eye out for social media and use them to your advantage to build a hype. Twitter, for once, is great for it.

There are several ways of interacting in these environments. You can choose one or the ones that you believe are the most appropriate to promote your online course.

  • Create a #hashtag with the name of your product and make that users see it and use it.
  • Start a conversation with your followers. Ask questions and answer people’s questions. Engage with your users so they can return to your social media in the future.
  • Promote contests whose prize is an extra material to your online course. But remember to comply with any rules and legislations applicable.
  • Make available samples or other material related to your online course for free. Having a blog, for example, helps educate your audience about your market niche.
  • Create an online community to generate impact with your actions and create strategies so that people who follow your social media interact there.


Building a hype is a type of early advertisement that can produce a series of success stories. In order to do that, you need to try and you may fail (many times). What sets you apart will be seen when you take measures that can help fix your mistakes or improve what you’re doing right.

So, invest in your marketing strategies!

Create accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube or any other social media that you find necessary to market your online course. Be present online and be creative up to the point that influencers want to buy and share your product.

Building a hype can have lots of positive effects, so you can’t let it go unnoticed.

Do you have any questions about this marketing strategy? Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments section below.