How to motivate a team
10 simple actions that will lead to an enthusiastic and efficient team.

Those who work in leadership positions or are business owners need to know how to motivate a team.
People who like what they do, recognize their work is valued and feel admired in their professional environment, work with more dedication and thus, guarantee the best results for the company.
In addition, having a motivated team is a good way to decrease the turnover rate which, when high, jeopardizes the work and generates extra costs in recruitment and selection.
If you need to motivate your staff at work, this post is for you!
Check out 10 simple actions to that will lead to an enthusiastic and efficient team.
1. Be clear
In order for people to have a good performance at work, they need to understand exactly what is expected of them.
So, a team leader has to be transparent and specify what work is demanded from each person and what goals they should strive for.
When the employees understand what the company intends to achieve, it is easier to align expectations and outline strategies in order to achieve goals.
This transparency also makes it possible for the employee to get better feedback about their job performance since they’ll know from the start what the duties and rights are and what is expected of them.
Having an objective, direct communication is also important to avoid misunderstandings, gossip and doubts among the team.
In places where the rules are not well explained, it is common for each person to have their own version about what is right and wrong, which can jeopardize the harmony between professionals.
2. Be present
Businesses that work best are those in which the leader or owner are always good listeners and willing to talk to their teams.
That doesn’t mean that you need to monitor their service all the time or that you can never leave the company.
What is absolutely necessary is that people know that they can count on you when they need any help or have any questions, suggestions or even critical comments.
If you can’t be physically present in your business, no problem. You can open online communication channels with your employees and inform them that, even when you’re not there, they can still reach you.
3. Define each person’s role
Every company wants to get the best out of their employees in order to achieve the goals and to make as much profit as possible.
Today, businesses that can ensure that are those who recognize the importance of professionals and treat them as collaborators, that is, employees who use their expertise to make the company succeed and are the best brand advocates.
However, for someone to effectively collaborate to make your goals happen, they need to feel a part of it.To do this, you need to clearly define the role of each person.
Show them how they fit into every part of your business and what they need to do to make the system work well.
On top of helping people understand their role in the company’s results, this will make everyone see themselves as a crucial member of the team and as part of something bigger, which will motivate them even further.
4. Encourage teamwork
We’ve talked about how important it is that everyone knows their role, but we can not forget to reinforce the importance of team spirit.
A good leader is the one who makes the group identify themselves as a team that shares the same purposes and, therefore, need to work together to achieve them.
It is motivational for the team, because they will feel like they are not alone and that you can count on your colleagues on a daily basis, whether to ask questions, share information or seek the best solutions to a problem.
Moreover, feeling part of the same team reduces the competitiveness among employees and encourages partnership, transforming the workplace into a place of mutual growth.
5. Let them know you’re open
It’s hard to motivate a team working in a business in which only the leader’s ideas are accepted.
To create a healthy and collaborative climate within your business, you need to be open to new ideas and proposals, so that everyone feels encouraged to share their opinions and knowledge.
It is important to remember that employees are nothing short of vital for the work that needs to be accomplished and that they are the ones who deal with the daily challenges of their areas and functions. In other words, no one better than these people to offer constructive criticism or suggestions.
Be open to what people who work with you have to say and show them there is merit to sharing opinions.
You don’t have to agree with everything, but you need to let them know their opinions is valued and that the exchange of information can happen in a productive manner.
6. Recognize positive actions
Do you know when you’ve just started a new job and you’re full of ideas?
You strive to do your duties well, suggest changes to improve the area in which you work and use all your luggage of knowledge and experience to try to innovate and add value to the company.
If your team leader does not recognize what you do, or appreciate your effort, it is very likely that, in a short time, you feel discouraged and start doing only what is expected of you right?
Therefore, it is essential to give merit to an employee that shares innovative ideas or actions that bring something positive to the table.
You can do this by giving them symbolic rewards such as mentioning their efforts on the company or giving them an award at an event, or you should even consider offering a financial bonus.
The important thing is to let people know that your business values and encourages effort and creativeness and especially, those that set goals, follow through and achieve their goals.
7. Give feedback
The feedback is an important tool in a business, because they show people what they are doing right and what needs improving.
Good feedback is the one that acknowledges both the strengths of the employee and in a constructive and respectful manner, their weaknesses, which they need to develop in order to enhance their performance at work.
Establish a communication channel so that the feedback is given from time to time, so that the information is not lost and you can really assess whether there’s been a change between on session and the other.
You should also take advantage of that opportunity to suggest changes, trainings and actions that can be implemented so that the person has a chance to develop an evolve.
Remember to do this individually, so that no one feels embarrassed and it doesn’t create an awkward situation.
8. Be a good listener
If you really want to motivate a team, you need to be willing to listen to people.
As a leader or a business owner needs to offer feedbacks, your team should also have the freedom to share their opinion, whether they are meant as disapproval or praise.
As soon as you listen to them, you will know exactly what needs to be done to make the work environment more relaxing and motivating,
Even if you are in a leadership position that doesn’t mean you need no improvements at all, right?
Every single person who works together should aim to grow and improve together Therefore, be open to receiving feedback as well.
Learn not to take it personally and you can actually use what your team says to develop better strategies to increasingly become a better leader.
9. Encourage personal projects
People spend most of their time at work, but that obviously doesn’t mean they don’t have other tasks and personal projects.
Therefore, show that you appreciate and respect what each of them does outside the company and demonstrate interest in those activities.
An environment that enables developers to talk about other matters and gives positive reinforcement is much healthier;. After all, everyone wants to share their experiences and have someone to talk to during the day.
This helps them feel more welcome, have more energy and courage to face the routine activities of the job.
The employee who feels free to express themselves and interact with colleagues is more likely to enjoy what they you do and consequently, do a better job.
10. Have fun together
Most traditional businesses and professionals may find this a strange tip, but a fun environment can be an excellent strategy for your business.
Organizing celebrations with your team and offering moments of relaxation show that you care about them and see how valuable they are, especially, you convey the message that they are not there just for the company’s sake.
With that attitude, you encourage the bond between colleagues and makes everyone feels appreciated.
There are some ways to make this happen in your business.
You can create places for employee interaction, such as rooms to rest or with games and video games, make sure to organize happy hours, gathering outside work or simply create an organizational culture that stimulates the interaction and actual friendship between the employees.
Putting these actions into motion is paramount to create a bond between the team members and to turn the work environment into a pleasant, enthusiastic space.
If to want to learn more about how to motivate a team, also check out our tips to make your team more effective