A laptop displaying the Google search results page and a page representing SEO writing in the background

Digital Marketing

SEO Content Writing: How To Create Content Optimized for Search Engines

SEO writing is key for improving your website’s rank on Google. Learn how to optimize your texts for online searches with these valuable tips.


12/22/2021 | By

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SEO content writing is a technique that has helped many entrepreneurs make their businesses stand out on Google’s top pages. The secret? Good content and strategic writing designed for search engines.

However, to be successful in this format, you need more than professionals who write well. It’s necessary to know some of the techniques and concepts that help to better position content in search results.

Although many people confuse this method of writing with copywriting, for example, there are quite specific differences between one way and another of expressing yourself through words.

Now, if you want to learn a bit more about SEO writing and its importance, stay with us until the end of this article!

What is SEO content writing?

SEO writing is the process of creating, planning, and optimizing content with the goal of ranking better on Google, or other search engines, organically.

Doing so requires a series of measures that, besides delivering the information the user needs, helps Google understand that your text is relevant for those searching for a certain subject.

This is one of the best content marketing strategies to create engagement, authority, and organic conversions.

Why is SEO content writing important?

SEO writing techniques are important for a number of reasons. The first of these is the possibility of competing for the top position or the first page of search engines with quality content.

Through this technique, it’s possible to attract qualified traffic to your website, making lead acquisition more assertive and conversion more efficient.

In addition, you can ensure greater authority within your niche by offering quality content and relevant information to your persona. In this way, they will understand that you’re an expert on the subject and will see your company in a different light.

What is the difference between SEO writing and copywriting? 

However similar the terms may be, the two types of writing are quite different, as well as having different objectives.

The first difference is in how the content is consumed. While SEO writing can be found on any website, be it an institutional page or a company blog, copywriting will be found in TV commercials, printed ads, product labels, and landing pages.

So, while SEO writing is a technique focused on producing informative and often evergreen content, copywriting is generally used when the goal of the business is to generate more sales.

It’s important to emphasize that neither technique cancels the importance and presence of the other. If possible, they can and must be used together for the best possible results.

9 SEO content writing tips to rank on Google

To have content creation in line with Google’s best practices, besides producing quality content, it’s very important to pay attention to a few technical details.

Check out the tips below that will help you write better texts, which are more likely to reach the top positions on Google:

1. Choose your keywords wisely

Choosing a good keyword to work within a text is the first element of SEO writing that needs to be defined for content to be found by other people.

After all, people use these keywords to find answers to their questions. So, if your content is written and designed to meet this demand, it will certainly be valued by Google.

For example, if you have reached this text, you must have searched for something related to SEO writing, right? That’s exactly the function of the keyword within the context of content marketing.

2. Answer the questions users are asking

Just like using a keyword, answering your buyer personas’ questions in the text is essential to ensure the quality of the content and prevent users from abandoning the page because they didn’t find what they were really looking for.

So, think about interesting topics that your audience might have questions about and find quick and efficient answers for them. Exactly as we are doing in this article.

Here, we are providing all the relevant points about SEO writing and how to use this technique. Use this same strategy for your business’ blog as well.

3. Create a catchy title and meta description

To attract the reader’s attention to your article, it’s essential that the title and meta description are in line with the goal of the article. After all, they are responsible for making someone click on your article and not on your competitors’ content.

So, present, quickly and objectively – more specifically, in up to 65 characters – what the user will find within your website based on the title. This will be key for them to decide to access it.

The meta description, on the other hand, has the purpose of “presenting” the text to the reader and appears just below the title in search results. So, think about developing a summary of up to 135 characters that presents everything that can be found on the page.

4. Divide the content into topics

A good way of producing content efficiently and according to SEO writing techniques is to divide the content into topics.

This is important for many reasons, such as:

  • Facilitate the search to answer the question faster
  • Make the content more scannable
  • Help answer, quickly and objectively, what you propose to do
  • Make reading the content more fluid and enjoyable

5. Write a good intro text

As with the title, the presentation of the content is essential to introduce the text and what the reader will find within the blog.

Its purpose is to present, in a few words, what is required in order to answer their questions and the importance of a given subject.

Taking this article as an example, if you got this far, it’s because you’re interested in what the content promised to deliver. And this is precisely the concept: showing visitors that your website or blog is capable of answering all of their questions in a simple and efficient manner.

6. Create longer and informative texts

For some time now, Google has been highlighting quality content in search pages, and content that covers the topic in depth. And generally speaking, exploring a subject in depth in a 300-word text isn’t possible, right?

So, try to produce longer content, with an average of 1,200 words. Texts of this length allow you to explore the nuances of the topic and answer users’ main questions.

But of course, this isn’t a rule. Always evaluate users’ search intention and the relevance of the topic itself. Some subjects call for shorter texts, while others require more complex and extensive content.

7. Add internal links

Internal links, i.e., links that lead to other pages in your own domain, are another important aspect of SEO writing.

Also called link building, this technique makes users spend more time within your website or blog, increasing the retention rate and authority of your domain.

In addition, structuring a robust internal linking strategy also helps your website’s indexing. Google’s robots often follow internal links to find new pages.

So, whenever you publish new content on your blog, go back to older posts or pages and try to link them to this new text. Besides retaining users, it also increases the chances of your domain ranking well on Google.

8. Use psychological triggers

Psychological triggers are strong allies of SEO writing. Through them, it’s possible to engage readers and explore different feelings and sensations throughout the content, such as:

  • Urgency
  • Reciprocity
  • Scarcity
  • Empathy
  • Etc.

However, use this feature only if it’s necessary for the context of the subject to avoid people from getting a specific sensation and the promise not being fulfilled by the end of the article.

9. Talk directly to your readers

One of the best ways to succeed using SEO writing techniques is to talk directly to your audience. Just like we’re doing with you here.

Do you realize what a difference you make when your company puts itself in the customer’s shoes? When it uses first-person resources, for example?

All this makes the reading flow more smoothly and humanizes your business’ image in the eyes of these people.

BONUS: Focus on quality content

Just as we talked about earlier, focusing on quality content is key for anyone who wants to have assertive content marketing and use SEO techniques in favor of an action plan.

Nowadays, users are much more interested in what you have to say and how you will convey that knowledge. So don’t try to fool them or beat around the bush.

Write and produce articles about things that your business truly understands. Only by doing so will you gain authority and the trust of your potential customers.

Is using SEO writing techniques worth it?

SEO writing is a technique that has been increasingly employed in digital marketing, as Google search results are becoming one of the largest sources of organic traffic on the Internet.

So, if you invest in content production for your business, start applying SEO Writing to your articles now. This strategy can help your website be found more easily by users, attracting traffic and, consequently, sales!

And always remember that you’re not producing content for robots, but for real people. So, always prioritize the quality of the content and try to answer all of your persona’s questions throughout the article.

These are not the only indicators used by Google to rank websites on its search page. The search engine has increasingly been valuing user experience.

Would you like to understand how this process works and how Google evaluates user experience? Then read our post about Core Web Vitals, the latest metrics from the largest search engine on the Internet.