Imagen de una mano tocando una pantalla táctil, claramente hace referencia al contenido interactivo, ya que hay una interacción entre la persona y la pantalla.

Digital Marketing

What are Interactive Social Media Posts And How To Create Them

Looking for ways to engage your audience? Find out how to use interactive social media posts to make your brand stand out.


09/26/2022 | By

The popularity of the web keeps digital marketing specialists on their toes, challenging companies to always keep up to date on the best ways of reaching and communicating with their audience.

And in this sense, interactive social media posts are an effective strategy that allow you to increase your audience’s engagement with your brand, with information, multiple formats, and with odds of going viral.

But do you really know what it’s about or how to create interactive content?

In this article, we’re going to explain everything you need to know to boost your audience’s engagement focused on content creation, more specifically, interactive social media posts. Let’s go?


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What are interactive social media posts?

Interactive social media posts are content created to involve the audience and encourage their active participation.

This format, as modern as it may be, isn’t that new. In fact, it was already being used long before the internet was created!

For example, do you remember those TV or radio shows that asked the audience to participate in polls or call in to request a song?

Over time, it was transferred from traditional media to our computers, the internet, and of course, content marketing.

Thanks to the resources provided by the internet, creating interactive content is no longer restricted to major brands. Any business can have access to its high power of engagement, by creating quizzes, infographics, and even tutorial videos.

VIDEO: 5 tips to find the BEST TIMES for you to post | Hotmart Tips

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What are the advantages of interactive social media posts?

As you can imagine, interactive social media posts have many advantages. And below, you’ll find a few of them: 

More engaged audience

Interactive social media content provide a lot of engagement for your brand, since it makes the audience perform an action with it.

And when we talk about engagement, we’re not talking only about likes or other social media reactions. 

We’re also talking about relationships with customers. Of making users feel close to the brand because it allows the content to be consumed according to their needs.


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Better user experience

And of course, with all this, interactive social media posts improve user experience. This means that your brand will be known for offering something unique, which provides relevant experiences for users. 

The audience’s immersion into your content can awaken the senses, bringing your brand even closer to consumers.

More feedback for the brand

An increased in-depth interaction allows you to have more complete and frequent feedback.

With interactive content, you can know how many people downloaded content or performed a certain action. This allows you to learn more about your users.

Of course, it makes it easier to carry out customer satisfaction surveys with the confidence that your audience will participate.

VIDEO: How to grow your audience on social media | Carla Salinas at Hotmart MASTERS

Boost lead generation

And no one is in digital marketing only to entertain, but also to generate leads and new business opportunities. 

This task becomes easier with content that allows your audience to interact with your product or service.

Not to mention that it awakens the desire to consume what they are interacting with, grabbing their attention in a dynamic manner.

This is why interactive content, especially interactive social media posts, is so popular in the sales funnel.

Interactive and downloadable content for social media posts

We’ve already given you a spoiler of a few types of interactive social media posts you can create. So, now it’s time to talk about materials your users can use or download so that you can create more interactive social media posts.


Infographics are perfect for those who like qualified content. This format makes your page more attractive and helps in making reading more dynamic, without losing quality in the delivery.

Another advantage is the visual appeal it adds to the material. It can allow users to select the information they wish to analyze or check out a process and its evolution as a whole.


This format is very interactive and widely used. You can select one that is suitable for your content and that also helps your users, from converting dollars into other currencies or even calculating BMI (body mass index)  if you’re in the fitness niche.

A calculator provides many possibilities. 


Ebooks never go out of style. And maybe they won’t anytime soon. They’re great for creating in-depth content on a given topic.

And since we’re talking about interactive content, the idea is to go beyond the text. Add illustrations, hyperlinks, and infographics, too. 

Interactive white paper

This type of content goes straight to the point, presenting the subject in a technical approach, as a manual for example.

To make this content interactive, you can use visual resources that facilitate reading, such as buttons and images to guide users’ reading. 

Landing Pages

Landing pages are another widely known format.

And since their main goal is to capture leads, it is essential that they be attractive, helping users decide to provide their contact information and convert.


Maps are becoming more and more interactive, and your brand needs to use them if you have good content for them. 

And with the assistance of new geolocation mechanisms, you can bring your audience closer and make your content more attractive. 

They can also be great when used as infographics, which entertain and also inform.


This format is classic. Not only are they popular, but they also have high engagement rates, since they can inform, retain information and allow people to stay longer on your page.

Not to mention that, if they’re creative, they have great chances of going viral.


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How can I create interactive social media posts? 

Go beyond the basics and offer downloadable materials like the ones we mentioned above. By creating these materials and sharing them on social media, you’ll definitely stand out. 

And, of course, don’t forget to explore other resources available in social media apps, such as videos, images, and animations to deliver richer information in a more exciting way for your audience.

As complex as it may seem, you can have the opportunity of creating one right now and you don’t even know it! Check it out!

Reuse existing content

If you analyze the material you already have, you’ll certainly find something that can be reused and transformed into interactive social media posts. 

One example is texts with various information and statistics, which can be turned into infographics or videos. 

Or even that very informative article, which can be easily transformed into a quiz or calculator, helping your audience to view the information you wish to convey. 

Create suitable content for each stage of the sales funnel

Interactive content is, more than ever, a strategic part of a sales campaign.

And, because of this, it’s important that it be adopted for each sales funnel stage since there’s a suitable content format for each stage.

For the top of the funnel, a quiz might be the most suitable, while calculators are good alternatives for bottom-funnel users. 

Create responsive interactive social media posts

You already know that responsive design is very important when creating a website or blog. And it’s the same with interactive content.

The number of people accessing the internet on their phones keeps growing. Therefore, you need to make sure that your interactive material, such as quizzes and infographics, is adapted to these devices and easy to access through social media.

Otherwise, users might not access your content, and you’ll lose leads and business opportunities. 

Analyze data and optimize your strategies

No strategy works without good data analysis of a given campaign. 

And it’s no different with interactive social media posts. You’ll have plenty of data to analyze, including the metrics available on social media platforms and forms your audience can fill to access downloadable materials.

This data will help you know your potential customers better, and you’ll be able to create campaigns that are even more targeted.

Data can also help you create a better buyer persona and get closer to your audience.

Gamify your content for more interactive social media posts!

Interactive content has been around for years, allowing brands and audiences to have a closer and more engaged relationship.

It’s essential that you keep up to date on the latest social media trends and incorporate them into your strategies.

Not to mention, of course, the need to understand your audience, so you can offer well-targeted content.

And one to stand out with your interactive content is gamification.

Have you heard of it? The article in the link above has great material to help you engage your audience and sell more! Make sure you read it.