online employee training tools - image of a girl with her computer


7 key online employee training tools that you need to know

Learn about the main resources for those who have an online course


03/07/2019 | By

If you wish to create an online course, or already have one, you probably know that online employee training tools are key to help you have better quality content.

But do you know which tools are the best?

We often spend more time thinking about the essential resources to post our material than actually dedicating time to preparing what will be taught.

If you’re going through this, we’ll show you that you don’t need to waste too much time on this.

In this post, we’ve set aside the 7 main online employee training tools available on the market and we’ll explain how they work.

Learn about each one’s unique features, and how they can help you sell more, attract new customers and build market authority.

You will learn about the following tools:

1. Canva

Canva is a free tool that enables you to develop graphic design pieces.

You probably already know that the design is crucial not only to make your online course or eBook more attractive for potential customers but also to provide your material with a visual identity.

If you’re a Producer, but don’t have many skills in this area, Canva is one of the online tools recommended for you.

With this tool, you can create posts for the main social networks and even advertising materials and infographics, all in a very practical manner.

The powerful drag-and-drop editor facilitates the use of this tool. Even less experienced users can handle all the features with ease, which is one of this platform’s unique features.

In order to make the creative experience even more interesting, Canva provides thousands of free, royalty-free images that can be used in the design of your pieces.

The tool distribution in the platform is quite interesting. You can find base images to be specifically posted on Facebook and Instagram, for example.

Many people don’t know this, but the dimensions indicated for images differ for each type of social media.

With Canva, you don’t have to worry about this, since the standard images have already been adjusted to fit perfectly in the social media of your choice. Just pick a template and start editing.

In addition to the images available, users can upload their own content, generating possibilities that are even more creative.

There’s a huge variety of fonts, drawings, and effects that can be used to make your graphical pieces even more attractive.

If you wish, you can also pay for premium images and professional features.

2. SlideShare

SlideShare is a content-promotion platform launched in 2006.

The website works with slides, allowing users to create presentations and make them available directly on the platform.

Users can open the material and play the slides, one by one, also enabling them to be watched in full screen.

SlideShare is a very interesting online training tool for those who need to make presentations for an audience, be it in-person or online, in addition to providing extra material, such as slides for content fixation.

3. Live streaming

Selling online courses requires the constant presence of the Digital Producer on social media. The more the professional becomes known, the greater their audience will be, and consequently, the better the financial results will be with the sale of training courses.

Live streams on social media are a great way to stay in touch and be closer to your audience. They can be viewed on Facebook and even on YouTube.

Producers can explore this tool for online training programs to give overall tips, offer free classes about specific subjects, interact with students and even unwind, to attract customer empathy and improve their learning experience.

4. Landing page tool

Sales pages, also known as landing pages, focus on conversion, i.e., selling your digital product.

They are essential online training tools, since it is from them that your audience will get to know what you have to offer.

Notwithstanding, many people find it difficult when it comes to creating a landing page. That’s why it’s important to rely on tools that do this job for you.

Landing page formats vary, but they usually have certain basic elements, such as:

  • Descriptive text of the product,
  • Presentation video,
  • Testimony from precious customers,
  • Call buttons (CTA), so that visitors can make purchases.

In order to sell more, it is essential that you rely on a well-designed and optimized landing page.

Potential customers must be gradually persuaded, from the beginning to the end of the page, to take action, such as making a purchase or downloading an eBook, for example.

There are several tools online for the creation of customized landing pages, which simplify your landing page’s development process.

In order to learn more about this subject, we’ve written a post with 10 tools you can use.

5. Payment system

In the topic above, we talked about the importance of relying on a well-designed landing page.

In order to sell courses, however, an efficient, safe and intelligent payment system is key.

The payment system is one of the online tools necessary to create a good relationship between you and your customers. After all, financial transactions must be performed with the highest level of security and reliability.

There are many payment systems available on the market. Hotmart producers, for example, rely on an exclusive system, HotPay, which has been responsible for over 13 million financial transactions worldwide.

In addition to the convenience of being able to sell to all corners of the planet, HotPay allows the withdrawal of commissions in local currency, which is a major advantage for Producers who are located in other parts of the world.

So, when you choose your payment system, make sure that it has all the features that will help you to sell more, always keeping your customer’s security in mind.

6. Distance Education (DE) platform

Are you a digital video-content producer and aren’t registered on any Distance Education (DE) platform?

These platforms present a series of features that help from product promotion to its sale and availability.

DE platforms are the channels responsible for the contact between teachers and students.

It’s one of the most recommended online training tools for professionals who wish to teach online, offering exclusive content to people in any part of the country or even the world.

For producers who choose Hotmart, we have Hotmart Club, a platform that includes an intuitive learning environment, a responsive interface, in addition to several other tools to organize, sell and distribute your online course.

7. Monitoring tools

Since we are talking about online tools, we have to mention monitoring systems.

Monitoring the results obtained on all channels you use isn’t always easy. Therefore, monitoring tools are crucial.

They provide accurate metrics, which help producers to evaluate the efficiency of the adopted strategies.

One of the best-known tools is Google Analytics, with which you can check how many times your page was accessed, how long users stayed on each page, the number of users online in real time, and much more.

However, this isn’t the only monitoring tool on the market.

Hotmart producers rely on several exclusive tools that help them closely monitor their business’ metrics.

With Hotmart Analytics, you have access to charts and targets that show you which strategies work better for your digital product, for example.

8. Bonus tip: Affiliate program

If your goal is to sell your employee training online to a large number of people, and obtain amazing results, we have an extra online tool for you.

It’s the Affiliate Program, one of the most efficient forms of promoting and selling your content to people you never thought you could reach.

With this program, Producers offer part of the profits obtained from the sale of the products to the Affiliates who promote and sell this material.

The logic behind it is simple: By allowing multiple people to sell your product in exchange for a fair commission, you can reach a larger share of the market.

Relying on Affiliates to promote and sell your course is a great strategy to reach more students.

Are you interested in learning more about this subject? Read our complete guide on the Affiliate Program.