General Policy for the Responsible Use of Hotmart

Version updated on July 1st, 2024

Hotmart provides an environment and resources for those who wish to create, promote, or sell a product in a simple and convenient manner, allowing people to live of their passions, teach what they know best to others worldwide, and find people with similar interests. Hotmart’s purpose is to enable people to start an online business and promote education and thus, develop both professionally and personally. To achieve this goal, Hotmart adopts certain values and principles, which must be observed by all of its Users: respect for others, for Users and for local laws is one of them, as well as the protection of freedom of expression and the neutrality and isonomy of internet networks. Therefore, Hotmart reserves the right not to accept, or to remove, Products that violate these guidelines, according to the Platform’s Responsible Use Policy, which integrates Hotmart's Terms of Use.

You should read this Policy carefully because it has important information about the Products that can be registered on the Platform. Violation of this Policy may result in the application of measures by Hotmart, including the suspension of the User's access to their account, or the definitive blocking of the User from the Platform, with the consequent termination of the previously granted license of use, in addition to other measures as detailed in the Hotmart Terms.

This Policy may be modified, replaced, or removed at any time without notice. If you do not agree with a new version of this Policy, you must stop using your Hotmart account. This Policy and its respective updates prevail over any proposals, contracts, previous understandings and agreements, verbal or written, that may exist between you and Hotmart.

To make this Policy easier to read, we have provided a Glossary here, which lists the meaning of the expressions that start with capital letters in the Hotmart Terms, as well as in this or other Hotmart Policies.


A This Policy aims to establish guidelines on the responsible use of the Platform, including examples of Products that cannot be registered, advertised, or sold through the Platform.

B This Policy represents a set of Hotmart’s choices designed to provide a specially planned platform for everyone to change their lives through the sale and distribution of Products. Hotmart dedicates a lot of time reflecting on the Products that can be promoted on the Platform, evaluating trends as certain issues evolve. Therefore, this Policy is a living document, which can be updated at any time.

C The list of examples below is not exhaustive. It serves to guide our verification teams while assessing the occurrence of possible violations of this Policy, as well as to clarify to the User community some of the main Products that should not be part of the Platform.

D Hotmart may seek the assistance of external collaborators in its decision-making processes regarding possible violations of this Policy. The final decision regarding the acceptance of registration, removal, or maintenance of a Product on the Platform, or the adoption of any other measure, shall always be made by Hotmart, which is responsible for evaluating the occurrences by applying the Terms and this Policy.

E We are very proud to be one of the most powerful knowledge and information dissemination tools today. When we make decisions, we know that not everyone will agree with our conclusions, but we always try to contemplate different points of view regarding the occurrences that arise, to create a safe environment for our community. The application of this Policy may depend on information available at different times, and we always try to apply it considering the context and the nuances in which certain words, ideas, images, or sounds are manifested in the Products registered on the Platform.


You cannot use the Platform to create, advertise, or sell any Product that violates, or may violate, applicable laws in force. The following are examples of such Products, notwithstanding others:

1.1. Products that are expressly prohibited by law to be sold or promoted.

1.2. Products that violate the intimacy, honor, privacy, image, name, or any other right of others.

1.3. Products that violate the protection of personal data, or the rights of third parties over their personal data, such as mailing lists or personal databases without a valid legal basis.

1.4. Products that violate the intellectual property rights of third parties. Thus, for example, you may not create, advertise, or sell any Product on the Platform with content that violates the copyrights of third parties, such as rights over music, texts, images, videos, or software. Also, you may not create, advertise, or sell Products on the Platform that contain academic programs, or programs developed for an educational institution. You may not create, advertise, or sell any Product on the Platform that violates trademarks, patents, models, industrial designs, or industrial secrets. Furthermore, you may not create, advertise, or sell any Product on the Platform that contains OEM, NFR, copies, or backup files, or that aim to hack electronic devices.

1.5. Products with content provided by those who do not meet the conditions required by law to exercise the profession or economic activity, with which the Product relates.

1.6. Products that advertise, without proof, that they are authorized or recognized by bodies assigned by law to do so.


You may not use the Platform to create, advertise, or sell any Product that directly or indirectly implies or may imply, incite or may incite, violence, discrimination, prohibited activities, or crimes. The following are examples of such Products, notwithstanding others:

2.1. Products whose content promotes violence, threats, intolerance, or intimidation against a person or a group of people.

2.2. Products whose content presents a direct attack on a person or group of people, based on characteristics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, nationality, mental, medical or physical condition.

2.3. Products whose content promotes speech with the purpose of dehumanizing, degrading, intimidating, or reinforcing negative or harmful stereotypes based on characteristics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, nationality, mental, medical or physical condition. You also cannot create, advertise, or sell any Product on the Platform whose content directs to any person, statements or treatments with this same purpose.

2.4. Products whose content or form, in whole or in part, can be deemed as a crime or misdemeanor.

2.5. Products whose characteristics indicate, or relate to, the potential practice of fraud, money laundering, terrorist funding, or illegal activities.

2.6. Products that allude to or promote the illegal use of firearms, narcotics, intoxicants, or any type of illegal drugs, as well as any illegal substance or substance for which its consumption depends by law on medical prescription or authorization from any competent body.

2.7. Products that promise success in lotteries or games of chance, as well as in any activity or practice that depends predominantly on luck for its success.

2.8. Products that promote sexual harassment, pedophilia, prostitution, or any other type of sexual exploitation, such as the practice or incitement of revenge pornography.


You cannot use the Platform to create, advertise, or sell any Product whose content involves fraudulent or unethical activities. The following are examples of such Products, notwithstanding others:

3.1. Products that induce, teach, or in any way encourage other Users to violate the Terms or Hotmart Policies.

3.2. Products whose content encourages, recommends, or in any way, promotes any illegal behavior.

3.3. Products that fail to provide necessary and appropriate information about their contents.

3.4. Products whose content is intentionally misleading, capable of generating damage to its Users or third parties.

3.5. Products whose content presents known false information as if it were true. For example, you may not create, advertise, or market any Product on the Platform, whose content disseminate news, including media articles, reporting facts as if they were true, or suggesting that they may be true, if there is clear evidence that they are false. Hotmart may remove any Product from the Platform, if it finds content of this nature, whatever the purpose of the use of the false content. Hotmart will enforce the applicable measures with special severity if it verifies that the use of false information is intended to interfere or unduly influence an election.

3.6. Products that promote pyramid schemes or similar schemes, whose operation depends primarily on the contribution of financial resources by new participants to remunerate previous participants.

4. Products that are incompatible with Hotmart's business model, values, or principles

You cannot use the Platform to create, advertise, or sell any Product that is incompatible with Hotmart’s business model, values, or principles. The following are examples of such Products, notwithstanding others:

4.1. Products that result in the sale of securities.

4.2. Products whose possibility of affiliation is conditioned on the purchase of the Product, and/or Products that teach methods of selling the Product itself.

4.3. Products that include, as their main strategy of advertising, the very use of the Platform, and may lead the audience to believe that there is some kind of cost or special requirement to register or use Hotmart Services, in addition to those already provided in the Hotmart Terms.

4.4. Crowdfunding products or any other type of fundraising, the main strategy of which is to raise funds for political and electoral purposes.

4.5. Products with anti-scientific content, containing information or understandings with the purpose of contradicting consolidated scientific conclusions, based on statements lacking plausible evidence.

4.6. Products whose content addresses sensitive issues, whose repercussions are still unknown, or whose guidelines require caution in their disclosure or exploitation, especially in cases where these cautionary parameters are not yet well defined by the competent authorities, legislation, courts, or relevant social criteria.

4.7. Products with content contrary to rules or guidelines issued by national or international public health authorities, whose disclosure may put the health of Users of the Platform or the community at risk.

4.8. Products in the health area aimed at laypeople that, to the detriment of health rules or guidelines, recommend alternative therapies or treatments with a promise of efficacy against pathologies or their symptoms, capable of putting at risk the health of those who use them.

4.9. Products in the health area aimed at laypeople that, to the detriment of health rules or guidelines, suggest the application of cosmetics or drugs under the promise of resulting in changes in structure or body functions, physical or mental, capable of putting at risk the health of those who use them.

4.10. Products that support any habit that may bring harmful consequences to the health of the community.

4.11. Products whose content contains pornographic material, in particular containing explicit scenes with an obscene connotation of nudity or sexual acts.

4.12. Products whose advertising invokes their compliance with sustainability guidelines without plausible evidence in this regard.

4.13. Physical products not approved for sale on the Platform, such as those in the following categories: weapons, ammunition and explosive material; fireworks, tobacco and related products; narcotics and substances prohibited by law; items of flora, fauna and derivatives; telecommunications equipment that does not comply with applicable laws; human bones, organs and limbs; medication, healthcare or cosmetic products and medical equipment; products that depend on homologation and/or approval from government bodies; tourism and related services; adult content products or services; Manja (abrasive string used to fly fighter kites); decoders, antennas and signals; items that are part of the historical, cultural, archaeological or paleontological heritage; legal documents and forgeries; financial products and services; vehicles without documentation and products for vehicles that violate current laws; gas transfer device; food and drink; pesticides; machinery without safety equipment; products that are considered unsafe, harmful or are not usually sold in the marketplace; among others, unless the category or a specific Product is expressly approved by Hotmart.