9 mistakes that are killing your Facebook page
So, you have a Facebook page, but realized it doesn't have as much engagement as you'd hoped? Read on and discover the possible mistakes you're making!

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Is the reach of your page down? Are visitors no longer engaging? Do you feel that keeping a Facebook page is no longer so worth it? Are you thinking of ending your fan page?
Calm down! Facebook is still considered one of the top social media to promote your business, with no fewer than 1.2 billion daily active users.
So, what is the problem?
In today’s text, we will talk about the most common mistakes on Facebook that could be ruining your page! Keep on reading and check out if you are still making some of them.
1. Targeting the wrong buyer persona
Targeting the wrong buyer persona, believe it or not, is still one of the most common mistakes in managing pages on Facebook.
Make sure you understand your audience, map them, translate their language and adapt to their expectations. These actions are paramount in any digital marketing or offline action. Even when you’re creating a blog or website, you must be in tune with your buyer persona, otherwise, she simply won’t be interested in your brand.
On Facebook that is even more important. Considering that your content speaks directly to the audience, identification needs to happen immediately. If you don’t know the longings of your buyer persona, how can you provide relevant material?
If engagement is low, or if the audience just isn’t getting to your content, consider a new buyer persona study and pay attention to the little details of your audience.
Being in tune with your buyer persona is fundamental to a successful marketing strategy.
2. Tone of voice
To set the perfect tone, you must also have developed a good buyer persona study, after all, the tone depends on a number of factors related to your audience, such as gender, age, segment, etc.
The tone sets the language, slang, the memes and the approach of every subject dealt with in your page. When poorly done, it can push away every follower of a brand, and attract an audience that is completely different than expected.
A business that targets young surfers, for example, relies on a completely different tone than the tone used by a business in finance and investments.
Nothing is set in stone: with a little creativity and experience, you can come up with a completely original tone that also communicates with your audience.
This is the perfect alternative since it helps your brand to be recognized only by how you communicate, but it’s harder to get it right, once it needs to be the perfect match between what the audience expects and how original it has to be.
3. Crisis management
Incorrect crisis management is a part of that collection of mistakes you can’t make on Facebook.
The main reason for this is in the fact that the Internet never forgets any misstep taken by brands. This means that yes, there will be records of every mistake made by your business, and many users will have that in mind when it’s time to interact with your business.
So, how do you move on from a mistake on Facebook?
Well, the first step is to recognize this mistake. To deny, delete, delete comments or pretend it has never happened are not good options. Listen to your audience, pay attention to what they are talking about and learn from your misstep.
Recognizing the mistake implies admitting guilt and, more than that, it means taking immediate actions to solve it. If you aren’t sure about what to do, it is always possible to get help from your own buyer persona.
A sincere apology post (run away from standard releases here!), a legitimate action to repair the mistake, and double the amount of attention to any new posts help a lot to clear the name of your business.
Some companies even take actions in the real world as a remedial measure. Whether it is starting a donation campaign to some charity related to the problem, or looking for promoting awareness of the general audience.
The important thing is to do something to repair and never, never make the same mistake again
4. One-way engagement
Here’s a problem that is more than common in the management of all social media. One-way engagement happens when your audience interacts with your brand but does not get any answer from the company.
As you can imagine, this leads to discouragement and ends up undermining any future engagement intention by your audience.
Therefore, it is essential that you are attentive to the proposed interactions on your page and don’t hold back when participating.
Answer comments, promote the content produced by your audience, be attentive to shares, keep an eye on your inbox, and open contact channels so that your fans can participate too and, most importantly, feel they are making a difference.
5. Staff training
It is very common to find digital marketing teams without any experience in managing social media. This serious mistake is the cause of many crisis and problems in audience management and needs to be avoided if you want good results for your business.
Train your team, or look for employees with experience in the management of social media.
People who are responsible for the communication with your audience need to be integrated with the company’s internal policies and, more than that, be ready to act as a spokesperson for your business.
You can never have too much training, and that goes especially for a team that can lift or sink your business with just a Facebook post.
Spam happens when your Facebook page starts posting (repeated posts or not) at an exaggerated frequency, polluting your followers’ timeline and messing up your own timeline on the Fan page.
When sharing your content, what’s ideal is to set fixed times, such as every hour, every 3 hours or, in some cases, two to three times a week.
If your company doesn’t have lots of content to post, choose lower frequencies – two times a week, at least, and occasionally repeat the most popular posts. But, if your business is full of news and content, you have to find an ideal frequency so you don’t fall short of content immediately, and also for your buyer persona to have time to internalize everything you post.
Spam is incredibly harmful to any business, whether on Facebook, email marketing or even SMS. The social media algorithms are already looking for companies and pages that insist on spamming the timeline in order to reduce their ranking.
So, run away from spam and start to measure the level of engagement on your posts to find out the ideal time for each post.
7. Timing
And, speaking of the ideal time to post, timing is another crucial point to be observed when promoting your content on Facebook.
It doesn’t help posting that one super funny meme if it has already been around the Internet for over 3 days and has become saturated.
Be aware of what’s new on the network and look out for trends. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to predict when something will go viral but it is essential that you are aware of the slightest sign of replicability and understand how to adapt content for your brand.
8. Quality content
If content is King, the quality is the Crown, the throne and all the Government proposals of a good monarch.
Without quality, your content will not be very different from a click-bait, or even a spam of continuous subjects that could be used for your business.
Pay close attention to the most relevant issues of your buyer persona, look for people who really know what they’re writing about, and be sure to invest in images, videos, and media variations that help when it’s time to improve what you are producing.
Quality is also linked to your efforts to customize your content, search for your own language, and establish a relationship to your buyer persona. So, invest in creating and improving your content.
9. Adaptation to the social media
Adapting to Facebook seems easy at first, but answer this: how many different types of content have you already posted today?
How many images, texts, videos, gifs, links, notes, ads, 360º images have you made available for your audience in the form of content?
Being attentive to all Facebook has to offer is part of your adaptation to the network, and can change the way how you engage with your audience, and it also allows them to reply to your company’s posts.
Be aware of the possibilities offered by the network, and don’t be afraid to explore. Focusing only on the promotion of links is a serious mistake for your business.
Succeeding on Facebook is something that demands time and courage to take risks. Making mistakes will be a natural part of the adaptation process, but you can’t prevent your business to dare and look for originality when it’s time to grow with your audience.
Be aware of the major mistakes on Facebook and take immediate measures to prevent them from spreading across the network.
See you next time!
This post was written by Rock Content.