Find Out How to Pick the Best Topics for Your Webinars
Don’t know how to go about picking the right topic for your webinar? Check out our tips and you’ll get it right!

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Webinars have become one of the most popular digital marketing tools among companies. They create more engagement and conversions because they are easy to produce and consume. However, in order to achieve good results, it’s critical that you choose the right webinar topics.
Topics for webinars need to be attractive, piquing the curiosity of the target audience. This way, they’ll feel like watching the webinar to the end and share its content with more people. Now, if the topics aren’t aligned with the audience’s interests, it’s likely they won’t be successful.
Would you like to learn how to pick webinars topics correctly and improve the results of your live streams even more? Well, keep reading this article!
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1. Search for keywords to find webinar topics
Keywords are the terms your audience uses most to find solutions for their problems. Google, the largest online search engine, uses typed keywords to offer those who are searching, pages containing the subject being searched. And the first websites that appear in the results are those where the content is more relevant and therefore, gain a greater number of hits.
Within a marketing strategy, keywords are very important strategic elements. After all, it’s from the definition of these terms that possible customers are able to find your business on the web.
In order to select the most suitable keywords for your webinar, it’s important that you understand which terms are searched the most by your audience. When performing this search, certain aspects should be considered, such as:
- Volume of searches
- Current position
- Intention to purchase
- Opportunity
- Difficulty
In order to help you perform a keyword search, there are a few online tools, such as the Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush.
Google Keyword Planner
Google’s tool is a great way of finding the terms searched the most by a certain audience, and also plan online.
When you search the keyword, Google Keyword Planner shows how many times it has been searched within a time interval. For example, it can appear 10,000 times a month. This tool also shows related words and their frequency.
In order to have access to all of this service’s features, you need to create a Google Ads account.
This is a paid tool, but it offers searches on the volume of keyword searches, among other features. SEMrush shows the search results of keywords related to volume, to your competitors, and to the cost-per-click amount.
You can invest in both tools to be more successful in your venture. Since Google uses its own database – which is quite extensive -, and SEMrush uses data from various sites.
2. Pick a subject that you master
When defining webinar topics, address a subject that you master. This way, the chances of you offering more relevant and in-depth content are greater. And of course, you also avoid possible “slipups” or incorrect information.
Therefore, study the subject and think as your audience would. What might they ask? What does the audience want to know about this topic?
Your video will generate brand authority and engagement if the topic is relevant and you convey security during the presentation. When choosing a topic you master for your webinar, you can speak easily and develop the content naturally and in a relaxed manner.
Thus, you can become a benchmark in our field and your audience will be willing to watch your next videos.
3. Identify your audience’s needs
Those working with Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing know that in order to attract the audience, it’s necessary to talk about what interests them. And it’s the same when choosing webinar topics.
A video content production strategy needs to deliver something of value to the audience, which is capable of solving their problems and improve their lives. Therefore, knowing your audience’s needs well is key.
But how do you do this? Easy. The first step is to build your business’ buyer persona. This semi-fictitious character works as a representation of your company’s ideal customer, with a name, profession, needs, and behavior.
VIDEO: How to create a buyer persona for your business | Hotmart Tips
Creating a buyer persona helps you understand how your consumers think, the problems they face, and how your company can help them.
Another way of finding your persona’s interests is through the questions your brand receives via email or social media messages. This spontaneous contact from your audience indicates which subjects they consider more urgent, and that only your company can solve.
4. Analyze your competitors’ webinar topics
Unless your company is exploiting a completely new market niche, you probably have a few competitors. If they are conducting webinars frequently, and achieve good results, how about getting inspired by what they’re doing?
Analyzing your competitors is important both for those who are starting a new business and for those who are improving their digital marketing strategies. Therefore, try to follow what they produce, the webinar topics they choose, and their audience’s reaction.
But here’s a warning: Do not copy your competitors’ topics!
You should study and observe these companies’ strategies, see how their audience behaves and find holes or topics that they forgot to address. This way, your company will be able to produce high-value content that stands out among your competitors.
5. Reuse your brand’s blog posts
Another way of searching for topics for webinars is to check out your brand’s blog. It contains very rich materials that speak directly to your persona.
Search for articles and content with more hits, shares, and comments. They indicate the topics that are most relevant to your audience, and will give you a clue of what you should cover in your next webinar.
Try to understand which subjects hold your audience’s attention the most. Does your audience read the post or watch the video to the end? This is a plus for your post. Do your viewers only watch the beginning of the recording and leave the page? Perhaps the topic isn’t of their interest.
Those posts that were shared the most have the topics your audience prefers. People dedicate their time to what is relevant, which impacts their lives or creates a sentimental connection.
Read the comments and questions left on your blog posts. They show the pains your persona needs to solve. Pay attention to any holes in the information conveyed and complement it with new content.
6. Talk to your sales department
If your brand has a dedicated sales team, you have at your disposal an inexhaustible source of information on customer behavior.
And no wonder. Sales representatives are in direct contact with customers and quickly notice the problems they face.
To help you align your marketing strategy with the sales department, use the following questions:
- Does the audience move easily through the sales funnel? If not, how can we change this?
- Does the sales department always answer the same audience questions?
- What are the main difficulties faced by the audience?
The answers to these questions indicate whether it will be necessary to hold a webinar on the recurring topics in your company’s sales department. Periodically meeting with these employees is worthwhile in order to check if your strategy has obtained positive results.
Remember that Content Marketing isn’t rigid. It should monitor the audience’s pain. And, your company’s sales department will provide excellent webinar topic suggestions that will be a hit.
7. Ask for suggestions on social media on webinar topics
Social media are great channels to establish and nurture a close relationship with customers. These services work as a showcase for your company and make it easier for the audience to identify with your brand.
Therefore, use social media to your advantage.
In your posts, be it text, image, or video; ask your followers which subject is most interesting or which subjects they’d like to see being covered in a webinar. Also, keep an eye on the messages and comments sent by the users.
You can also create surveys on Facebook or Instagram, and ask your followers to tell you what their main problems are. In addition to discovering your audience’s needs, you also increase their engagement.
After conducting this survey, you’ll be able to define webinar topics that are of your audience’s interest. This way, you’ll deliver more value to people who are looking for a solution to their problems.
Write down all suggestions and questions and check out which topics come up more often. They indicate that most of your followers have questions and needs in common, which still haven’t been solved. And a webinar might help them.
8. Learn from previous webinars
In your previous webinars, it’s very likely that a question was asked more frequently, right? Therefore, how about using this question as the topic for a new webinar? This could be a great strategy, because it’s aligned with your audience’s pain point.
This topic will help you generate many leads, since the audience will be interested in knowing how to solve this problem.
Analyzing the content already produced also helps you identify the missing information. This way, it’ll be easier the produce webinars that present data that is more recent and innovative, which will be much more relevant for the audience.
You can also use previous content to complement your webinar and thus, generate organic traffic to your website.
Choosing webinar topics
Defining webinar topics is a task that many brands and entrepreneurs consider less important. However, the subject of the event is precisely what attracts and engages the audience!
Therefore, it’s important to plan carefully what will be covered in the webinar. Also, don’t forget that the topic must be aligned with the audience’s interests and needs.
Keep in mind that there’s no point in identifying the best webinar topics if you don’t know how to plan your content correctly. So, be sure to read our article with everything you need to know to write a script for your video.