The second day of Hotmart MASTERS was a hit! Check out what the speakers shared with the audience.


The Second day of Hotmart MASTERS – Check out what happened!

The second day of Hotmart MASTERS was a hit! Check out what the speakers shared with the audience.

Marcos Pereira

10/20/2020 | By

What will we see in this post

We’ve come to the end of another day of Hotmart MASTERS, our global, online and 100% free event, which once again, had amazing guests and talks.

If you were unable to follow the first day of the event, you can access the recap of the best moments that we’ve posted on the blog:

1st day | 3rd day | 4th day| 5th day

Today, the speakers shared unmissable tips on education, digital marketing, and stories of overcoming difficulties. Check out the talks of the second day of Hotmart MASTERS!

Balancing emotions on and off the pitch, with Marta Silva

The first attraction of the day was world-famous soccer player Marta Silva, one of the biggest names in the history of the sport. She talked to Alexandre Abramo, Hotmart’s Revenue director, and told us a little about her life story, which is filled with examples of achievements and overcoming hardships.

Her career in sports started early. As a child in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, Marta would be invited to play on women’s teams and participate in small championships. Her precocious talent caught the attention around the region, and at the age of 14, she tried out for the Vasco da Gama team, which she passed.

But the changes didn’t stop there. Just before she turned 18, Marta left Brazil and moved to Sweden, where she played for the Umeå IK women’s team. And despite her young age, she faced the change as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

“It was an opportunity to have an athlete’s work routine. (…) This certainly helped me evolve as an athlete and as a person.”

— Marta Silva

And, since then, she has achieved worldwide fame and recognition for her drive and professionalism on the field, receiving awards as the best woman player in the world.

Marta is also a UN Women’s Goodwill Ambassador, a recognition received for her constant fight against gender inequality. One of the foundations of her work is helping other women recognize their value and demand their rights.

“If you put yourself down and don’t value yourself, others will obviously do the same. So, it’s important that we know our value and always seek equality.”

— Marta Silva

Challenging times and turbulent scenarios, with Mario Sergio Cortella

The world has always undergone changes, but the speed of transformation has never been greater. And, in order to demonstrate how it’s possible to adapt to this turbulent scenario, philosopher and professor Mario Sergio Cortella spoke at Hotmart MASTERS.

Citing the current moment of radical transformation in work, teaching and coexistence models caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the philosopher affirms that humanity needs, more than ever, to be willing to face difficulties head on.

“This requires more intelligence, preparation, inventiveness and above all, more persistence.”

— Mario Sergio Cortella

Cortella also explained that, faced with so many new challenges, it’s normal to feel confused, anxious and hopeless. But that shouldn’t be an excuse for a lack of action. On the contrary, according to the philosopher, we need to stand up and act.

The way out of turbulent times, as he explained, lies in sharing and the collaborative creation of knowledge, in addition to the division of skills and knowledge. Moreover, Cortella argues that it’s important to be intellectually humble. In other words, be open to learning new things, since this helps in collaborative knowledge and in the discovery of new solutions for the problems we face.

“Intellectual humility is the ability to open one’s mind to things we don’t know yet. We cannot ensconce ourselves with what we already know.”

— Mario Sergio Cortella

In addition, according to Cortella, facing turbulent scenarios also requires that we have the capacity to change, without being overwhelmed by fear.

“We need to be in a state of alertness. Observing what needs to be corrected, what needs to be abandoned, and what needs to be moved forward. Finding the state of attention and not a state of tension.”

— Mario Sergio Cortella

The “Business of You” growth ladder, with Chris Ducker

Next, Chris Ducker, entrepreneur and bestselling author, talked to the Hotmart MASTERS audience about the creation of a personal brand.

Chris knows this subject better than most; after all, he is the head of Youpreneur, a company specialized in monetizing personal brands, in addition to being dedicated to the mentoring of entrepreneurs.

The first tip for those who wish to create authority and relevance in their niche is to avoid comparing themselves with other professionals. Chris explains that we’re always connected to social media, following other people’s achievements closely. The problem, according to him, is that this comparison creates a space for the imposter syndrome.

“You should never compare someone else’s 100th or 200th or 300th step to your first, second or third step. We’re all on this journey in different ways. ”

— Chris Ducker

In order to build a strong personal brand, it’s also important to know your customers and strive to offer content and solutions that are truly useful for them. And, based on audience feedback, change what isn’t delivering the expected results.

This is where Chris Ducker explains the journey through the “Ecosystem of stairs”, a series of five steps to build a personal brand.

The first step is building an audience, which can be with a blog or social media profiles. The idea, according to Chris, is for people to get to know you and the solutions you offer.

Then, it’s time to increase your message’s reach and be seen as an authority. And, in order to do so, it’s essential that you create partnerships with the big names in your niche, whether with guest posts or podcast participation.

Afterwards, Chris Ducker explained the third step, which is engaging the audience and offering content that’s more in-depth. The expert’s tip is to invest in communities.

The fourth step consists of the creation of an online course. Chris explains that it’s possible to use the content you already produce and transform it into video classes or ebooks, for example.

Finally, the fifth step for the creation of a personal brand is to offer mentorship and Masterminds to share your experience and knowledge with other people.

“People will be happy to invest in themselves to learn from someone with your experience.”

— Chris Ducker

Content creators from TV to online, what’s changed?, with Marco Antonio Regil

The Digital transformation and the increasing popularity of mobile devices haven’t transformed only education. TV has lost space to online channels, such as YouTube, forcing content creators to adapt.

Marco Antonio Regil, an internationally successful speaker and Mexican TV host, understands this transition well. Marco Antonio is a digital influencer with over 4 million followers on social media, in addition to being a podcaster and activist.

As a child, Marco Antonio dreamed of working in entertainment and being a radio broadcaster. And, thanks to his family’s support, he started working at radio stations when he was 15. Shortly after, he also started hosting TV shows.

But his career in radio and TV wasn’t enough for him. Marco Antonio wanted to help other people to achieve their dreams as well.

“And a dream that was also very important to me, besides radio and TV in entertainment, was my dream of sharing with people the personal growth tools that I learned.”

— Marco Antonio Regil

This was when he made a decision. He gave up on his career in television and began to invest in the digital world. His idea was to help his audience to achieve independence. But, Marco Antonio didn’t know how to monetize his online channels, such as his podcast and social media.

It was then that he discovered Hotmart and started his first online course, Alcanza Tus Sueños” (Achieve your dreams), in early 2020. The audience’s interest was huge and Marco Antonio was in fact preparing in-person events to promote his course. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he had to cancel all talks and workshops he had scheduled for the year.

But what seemed like an obstacle to the course’ success, became an opportunity. Marco Antonio focused his efforts on online events and activities, so that people around the world could access his content without leaving home.

And the effort was worth it. Marco Antonio has increased his staff and is planning his next courses.

“Sometimes, hardships end up being the most important and beautiful life lessons.”

— Marco Antonio Regil

How to create ads that sell, with Pedro Sobral

Pedro Sobral, one of the biggest experts in paid traffic in Brazil, was our next attraction at Hotmart MASTERS. He shared with the audience the 7 pillars of ads that convert.

Sobral started his presentation by explaining that the first pillar of a good ad is the correct segmentation. In other words, the ad needs to be targeted to people with your ideal customer’s profile.

“You cannot create an ad that converts without targeting it to the right audience. In other words, there’s no use in selling a reading course to people who can’t read.”

— Pedro Sobral

Another ad pillar, according to Sobral, is respecting each channel’s format. According to the traffic expert, using an ad format that isn’t compatible with the social media is no use, since this will interfere with the audience’s experience.

In addition, Sobral explained that it’s not necessary to create overly developed ads in order to have good results. With simple, but well-designed ads, it’s possible to reach high conversion rates.

Sobral summarized the basic structure of an ad that converts. According to him, an ad must have the following:

  •     An introduction
  •     A hook that links the introduction to the call
  •     A call that is the invitation or offer you’re making to the audience
  •     And a CTA, or call to action.

But, more important than knowing all the pillars, according to Sobral, is putting them into practice without being afraid of making mistakes, since the mistakes will show which strategies give results for each type of business.

Half pipe to board meetings, with Sandro Dias “Mineirinho”

From the skate parks directly to Hotmart MASTERS, our next speaker was Sandro Dias “Mineirinho”, a Red Bull athlete, entrepreneur and six-time world skateboarding champion.

Mineirinho talked to Flávio Guimarães, manager of Hotmart’s Global Events, and told a little about his trajectory, not only in the sport, but also in the world of entrepreneurship. 

He moved to the United States, where he gained fame and success as a professional skateboarder, and after he returned to Brazil, he decided to organize sporting events and opened his own sporting goods store, Sandro Dias Shop.

But it wasn’t all a bed of roses. Sandro explained that, many times, he ended up investing in businesses that didn’t provide the expected results. But instead of being discouraged, he used all the experience he accumulated in the world of sport to stay calm and persist.

“Like in skateboarding, in the business world you fall, get up, get it right, and make mistakes. You have to learn how to compete and have emotional control.”

— Sandro Dias “Mineirinho”

How to grow your social media audience, with Carla Salinas

And ending the second day of Hotmart MASTERS on a high note, Carla Salinas, a marketing analyst at Hotmart Mexico, shared with the audience a few tips on how to increase the audience on social media.

One of the major challenges that beginning digital entrepreneurs face is increasing their audience on social media in an organic manner. Every day, platforms change their algorithms, making it seem increasingly complicated to reach the right audience.

But according to Carla, this task doesn’t need to be that hard. And the first step is to not be afraid and start sharing things you like with your followers. After all, this is exactly why people access social media.

“The first step to increase your audience on social media is to start sharing what you have to say and are passionate about.”

— Carla Salinas

Carla also explained that, in addition to sharing your passions, your content needs to have value, i.e., it must help your followers to solve a problem. This is important because when your content is relevant, you have better chances of being shared and reaching more people.

“The content that interests my audience is the content that works for my audience.”

— Carla Salinas

But how do you find out which subjects are relevant to your audience? Carla recalls an important point, but that is forgotten by many people – know your buyer’s persona. When you define your ideal customer’s profile, you can know exactly what types of content your followers prefer.

Another aspect that helps increase your  audience on social media, according to the marketing analyst, is producing content that serves a purpose, such as making the audience laugh, connect with a situation, or learn something new.

“When the content makes you feel a certain emotion, you share it because you want other people to feel the same thing.”

— Carla Salinas

Finally, Carla recalls that it’s also very important to know and use all the tools provided by social media, such as Instagram IGTV and Reels and Facebook Watch, since they attract organic views on these platforms.

There’s still time. Sign up for the 2nd edition of Hotmart MASTERS

This is a recap of what took place during the first day of Hotmart MASTERS, a global, online and 100% free event.

But don’t think that it’s over. Up to October 23, dozens of education and entrepreneurship experts will be participating with exclusive talks that you cannot miss.

And there’s still time for you to sign up for the 2nd edition of Hotmart MASTERS. Just click the button below and save your spot!

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